Friday, November 14, 2008

Hair Transplant Surgery will NOT restore your hair!

If hair transplant surgery actually worked, nobody would be suffering from the devastating effects of hair loss. As a matter of fact, over 35% of Farrell Hair Replacement ( clients are individuals who are forced to wear nonsurgical hair replacement systems to cover up scars and plugs from botched hair transplant surgeries. To avoid becoming a victim of this expensive procedure, think about this: Once you've paid your $10,000 for a set of "plugs," what do you think happens as your hairline continues to recede? That's right ... you are forced to keep buying additional surgical procedures. That's if you're one of the few lucky individuals who are able to grow some hair from the plugs. Let's face the facts: Hair Transplant Surgery is not a real option to restore your hair.

Before you decide on "Hair Transplant Surgery" checkout Farrell Hair Replacement, Richard Farrell will change your life and won't leave scars on your scalp.