Friday, October 17, 2008

The Richard Farrell Personal Design Tour Australia October 31 and November 1

Los Angeles, California, October 17th, 2008Richard Farrell, owner of Farrell Hair Replacement wanted to get the word out about his upcoming personal design tour to Australia, Richard wants to make sure the no hair loss sufferers miss out on this incredible opportunity.

Richard Farrell, the Master himself will design your hair systems
What could be better than that? Richard Farrell has been performing world-wide Consultation Tours for several years now and has learned that the way to give our clients the best hair systems is to try to personally meet with each client. Richard schedules Tours to most major world cities where he designs hair systems for people who simply want the best. This is the ultimate way to get a perfect hair system.

The Date for Richard Farrell’s Australian tour is: October 31st and November 1st, 2008. Going to Richard Farrell’s website at: anyone can now book their consultation with Richard online. If you prefer you can call us at: 001 323-934-3040 and speak to a Customer Care Representative to get your consultation with Richard Farrell setup in just a few minutes. Either way the appointment process has been made quick and simple. Setting up a no cost/no obligation appointment for Richard Farrell’s Tour is just a few clicks or a short call away. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to have your hair loss situation solved once and for all, by the master himself, Richard Farrell of Farrell Hair Replacement.

Everyone knows that Farrell Hair Replacement makes the best hair replacement systems in the world. Why are they voted "Best in the World" year in and year out? The answer is simple: Hair replacement artist Richard Farrell has achieved the perfect balance of art and technology in designing and producing the most undetectable hair systems imaginable. Don’t forget to view Richard Farrell’s blog at

Farrell Hair Replacement Australia
+001 323-934-3040